Power Waiheke High into the Future.

As one of the largest organisations on Waiheke, we use a lot of power. Our power bills can be up to $3,000 per month. We are raising money for a new solar power system to save money on our power bills and contribute to a sustainable future for our kura and motu.

WHS Students with Solar Panel
Year 13 Prefects Ambrose, Sophia, and Ella with a solar panel.

Quick and easy steps for buying a solar panel for WHS

Sponsor a whole solar panel for $250

Hit the button above or below.


Sponsor a half solar panel for $125

Hit the button above or below.


Or donate to help us out

We would love any amount that you can donate to our solar panel project.
Just hit the button above or below.


Here are some FAQ's

The results of our solar study have indicated that a Solar Panel system:

  • Will generate 37.6% of our electricity requirements,
  • require approximately 200 solar panels,
  • save the school over $14,000 per annum.

Any savings we make will be directed back straight back into teaching and learning for our akonga. 

We will be generating power that we can’t use during weekends and school holidays. We are looking at local power sharing arrangements as well as options to sell power back to the grid.

No. We will continue to use power from the grid when we are not generating enough solar power.

Waiheke High School is proud to develop our own sustainable source of energy. We expect our power use will continue to grow and this enables us to supply some of our own power and reduce future electricity bills.

We have selected local company Energy Alternatives Ltd to install the system and they are planning to begin installation of our first panels in the April school holidays, weather permitting.

Waiheke High School is part of the Enviroschools programme and has an active Sustainability group. The school will have a working example of renewable energy generation from which we can teach our tamariki about the science and technology involved with Solar power generation. 

The project has been kickstarted by a generous donation from a member of our community. We have launched this campaign to help fundraise further money towards the initial cost of the system. Sponsorship of an entire  panel is $250 or $125 for half a panel, or you can just make a donation. 

All community contributions are gratefully received and we will provide donation receipts. Larger donations will be acknowledged on a sponsorship board as well as on our website. 

Thank you to all our Contributors

  • Rachael Wheeler
  • Carole Simpson
  • Dennis Wright
  • Norm Robbins 
  • Roger & Sally Hunter
  • Paula McDiarmid
  • Roughly Refined Landscapes Ltd
  • Dr. Richard Douglas
  • Caroline Fowler
  • Tots On the Rock
  • Suzanne Dowling
  • Emily and Ben King
  • Geoff and Christine Thomas
  • Helen Crompton
  • Electric Island Waiheke 
  • Chlöe Swarbrick
  • Carolyn Cox Green Business HQ
  • Jenny Sahng & Fergus Roache
  • Elske-Sanne & Adam Hunt
  • Rachel Brown
  • Ashley  Corlett
  • Graham & Raewyn Henry
  • Katherine Cole
  • Ecotricity
  • Bill Kinghorn
  • Antonie Grant
  • Emilie Grant
  • Leo Grant
  • In honour of Grant Duffy from the Marta and Miro Fisch Family Trust
  • In memory of Grant Duffy from Ron Duffy and Louise Waghorn
  • Kathy Waghorn
  • Ross McGarva & Iris McGarva
  • Jane Glover
  • ActiveVision NZ Ltd.
  • In memory of Grant Duffy – Rita Grenyer


has been raised


panels sponsored out of 200 needed

Group 11


* These figures will be updated every Friday afternoon.

Help us reach our goal of $50,000

Contact us for more information: Michelle Barber / barberm@waihekehigh.school.nz

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