The Ministry of Education has set an attendance target for all schools of 90%. At Waiheke High School our procedure to ensure we meet this goal is as follows.
Student Procedure
- Students receive an email notification when they have been entered as ? or T in our Student Management System. They either bring notification from home as to why they were absent, have home notify the school, or if they think the entry is incorrect – address the teacher directly.
- When students do not have a valid reason for absence they are notified by their whānau teacher to attend a time restoration session and are expected to attend.
Whānau and Caregiver Expectation
- Parents, whānau and caregivers are expected to notify the school, in advance where possible, when a student will be absent.
- Parents, whānau and caregivers are able to check student attendance at any time using the Waiheke High School Parent Portal.
Staff Procedure
- Staff are expected to complete their daily rolls accurately and in a timely manner.
- Whānau teachers are notified via email when students in their whānau class have been marked as either ? or T on the daily roll. They then address this with students, seeking explanation for absence from both the student and from whānau or caregivers.
- Whānau teachers, Deans and SLT read a list of students who have ? or T on their attendance record for the previous week. Students are told to attend a time restoration session on a Thursday interval. This is to make up for learning.
- SLT and Deans receive a list of 15 students each week who have the poorest attendance in their house. SLT and Deans discuss intervention strategies for our worst attendees.
- Students who have chronic absence will be referred to A.C.E.S (Auckland City Education Service) or other outside agencies.
Outstanding Non-Attendance or Truancy
- Whānau teachers will contact home
- Deans will send an notification identifying a pattern of non-attendance
- Deans will send a second notification identifying continued non-attendance
- SLT will send a notification explaining that the student has been referred to the Auckland Centre of Education Truancy Service.
Within School Processes
- Where students have not completed Time Restoration they may become ineligible for whole school events, this could include but is not limited to the following:
○ Stood down from team events
○ Rutherford Sports Exchange
○ AIMS Games
○ The Ball
○ Cultural or inter-school events
○ Year 13 Lunchtime Freedoms
○ Tournament Week
○ Study Leave during Derived Grade Exams or NCEA ExamsWithi
- Where students have not completed Time Restoration they may become ineligible for whole school events, this could include but is not limited to the following: