Term Dates
(and other important dates in the school calendar)
Also see our monthly events calendar here >>

Term 1
29th January – Friday 11th April (10 Weeks)
Term 2
28th April – 27th June (9 weeks)
Term 3
14th July – 19th September (10 weeks)
Term 4
6th October – 11th December (10 weeks)
Key Calendar Dates
Term 1
- Whānau Meet and Greet
Tuesday 4th February - Waitangi Day
Thursday 6 February - WHS Athletics Day
Friday 14th February - WHS Beach Sports
Monday 24th February - Photolife School Photos
Wednesday 26th February - Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 27th March
Term 2
- Staff Only Day
Monday 28th April - Parent Meeting – Whānau teacher and learner
Wednesday 7th May - King’s Birthday
Monday 2nd June - WHS Matariki Celebration
Thursday 19th June - Matariki Public Holiday
Friday 20th June
Term 3
- Staff Only Day
Monday 14th July - Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 16th July - Mid Term Break
Friday 29th August
Term 4
- Parent Meeting – Whānau teacher and learner
Wednesday 15th October - Labour Day
Monday 27th October - Senior Prizegiving
Thursday 30th October - NZQA Exams
4th November – 2nd December