The Libary

Whare Pukapuka

We have an extensive library catalogue with a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. Our library is situated in the centre of the school and offers a safe, relaxing space for students to use for reading, researching, studying and chilling out with friends.

The library is open from 8am – 3:15pm, before school and during interval and lunchtime.

Our library collection and activities:

  • Junior fiction
  • Senior fiction
  • Graphic novels for all year level groups
  • Easy readable books for students with reading difficulties
  • Poetry Corner
  • A large non-fiction area with everything from wellbeing to natural history, ecology, science, maori history, drama, biographies and much more
  • Board Games
  • Students can come to the library to print off work, scan and email according to their needs
  • We do have a few desktop computers for students to use but encourage our BYOD policy
  • Teachers and lead faculty use the library for some classes and for meetings and for guest lectures
  • We host a number of clubs over lunchtime in our next door study room which is part of the library:
    • Book club on Wednesdays
    • Chess and backgammon club Thursdays
    • Zine club Fridays
    • Everybody is welcome

Our library management system is run through Accessit which has a wide range of digital resources and students can access our library catalogue as well.

In addition to Accessit, and the research capabilities through One Search, we also encourage our students and staff to use the National Library’s EPIC database which offers a diverse range of reliable topic resources. Check out the links below.