Student Services during Lockdown

Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students

Student Support Services-on line support

The students will be able to contact the Nurse between 9am and 3pm from Monday to Friday (except on statutory holidays). Here are the contact details:


027 618 9225  

The doctor will also be available via on line face to face clinics during term time, starting Monday April 20th. We can organise appointments on the Monday mornings. If a student requests a doctor’s appointment via a text or email to the nurse, they will be emailed a link for an on line consultation. The nurse and the school psychologist can also do on line face to face clinics.

The students will be able to contact the school counsellor from Monday to Thursday, except between the 30th March and the 15th April 2020.

LIZ MORRIS/Counsellor


If you contact the Counsellor, they will send a link that enables you to join them in a session, whether it is audio/video/message.

Now that we are about to move on to Level 4, we feel it is imperative to provide on line support for our students. It is anticipated that we are going to see a rise in mental health issues over the next few months or so.

The numbers/websites in the information below are available if you need extra support over the next 4 weeks

Emergency 111
Your GP
Oneroa (09) 372 8756

Ostend  (09) 372 5005

Piritahi Hau Ora (09) 373 0022

Crisis team (24/7) 0800 800 717 – mental health emergency number
Kari Mental Health (9-5) (09) 623 4646 –Youth mental health support office hours
Need to Talk (text or call 24/7) 1737 – you will talk to a qualified counsellor
Whatsup 08009428787 –  Barnardos helpline/webchat for children & teens
Youthline 0800 376 633 free txt 234 or – focus on young people or free txt 5626 – phone/call or chat online if anxious/down or depressed
Aunty Dee  – Aunty Dee is a free online tool for anyone who needs some help working through a problem. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, you can use Aunty Dee to help you

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