The uniform for Waiheke High

Waiheke High School has a uniform for students in year 7 to 12 and a dress code for year 13. The uniform is seen as a positive way to enhance the school climate so that each student can enjoy a sense of belonging and equality. Uniform items not listed are not permitted.
The Uniform Shop
Our Uniform shop is located in the old dental clinic. This is the first building on your right as you enter the school’s driveway. Second-hand uniforms are available and we will sell on commission any uniform in good condition. Please enquire at the shop:
Normal Opening Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.40am to 11.10am (interval)
Uniforms can also be purchased 7 days at Out There Surf and Skate, Belgium Street, Ostend.
For parents or caregivers wishing to discuss payment options (e.g. payment by instalments) or if you have further questions, please contact Rachael Wheeler, Business Manager, on 09 371 9000 Ext 204 or by email
Uniform Expectations
Appearance / Jewellery
- A high standard of personal hygiene is expected.
- Hair style and facial hair must be tidy and unobtrusive.
- Personal adornments such as piercings, jewellery, makeup and nails must be tidy, minimal and discrete.
- Plain blue caps are allowed.
- All jewellery worn to school is at the students’ own risk and responsibility.
The senior leadership team reserves the right to decide if a student’s appearance or jewellery is appropriate.
Footwear and socks
- Footwear must be predominantly black.
- Socks must be fully black or white without logos.
- Stockings and tights must be black only.
Health & Safety
- Closed shoes must be worn in practical subjects such as Creative Industries, Physical Education, Science.
- Students are required to conform to the Health and safety measures of individual subjects. For example, the removal of jewellery or long hair to be tied back may be required in subjects such as Science, Food and Hospitality, Creative Industries and Physical Education.
Dress Code for Year 13 Students
At Waiheke High School Year 13 students have the privilege of wearing non-uniform clothing at school every day. In line with our school values, students are expected to self-manage their dress – taking care to show whanaungatanga by dressing similarly to the rest of the students body and to show excellence by demonstrating a high standard of dress, as expected in most work contexts. To help Year 13 students, the following principles should be applied:
Clothing must be of a similar standard of formality to the uniform
An easy check here is, does the item you want to wear have an equivalent in our school uniform? If so, wear it. If not, you should not wear it, unless it happens to be more formal than our normal uniform. This extends to footwear and hats – styles not normally allowed for students should not be worn by Year 13s.
Clothing must be modest and appropriate
As above, an easy check here is that no items worn should be more revealing than standard school uniform. Full length shirts, no ripped clothing, and the length of shorts, sleeves and necklines are common areas that students need to consider.
Closed shoes must be worn in any subject where there is a health and safety riskTthis includes all forms of art, technology, science, and health and PE. You must bring a pair of closed toed footwear to change into for these subjects if you choose to wear tidy open toed footwear during the day.
Piercings and jewellery
All jewellery must be minimal and discreet, in line with every other year group.
Clothing must not be contentious or offensive
Take care to check for any writing pictures on clothing that could be considered offensive.
The SLT have the final call on any items appropriateness and may revoke the privilege non-uniform dress for any Year 13 who repeatedly fail to meet the above expectations.