Board seeking Maori Representation

The Waiheke High School Board of Trustees is actively seeking Maori Representation on the Board.

There are two processes and positions in place currently:

1. The Māori Community Representative will be selected by Piritahi Marae. This process will be completed by the end of August.

2. The School Whānau Representative will be appointed by the whānau.

If you are interested in the School Whanau representative position please could you speak to Pita Mahaki who will inform you about the process and its requirements. Pita can be contacted on

A whānau hui will be held in D7 classroom at Waiheke High School at 5pm on Wednesday 21st August. 

At this hui, the nominees standing will present their aspirations for Māori education and someone will be co-opted as the Whanau Representative to the Waiheke Board of Trustees.

Yours faithfully,
Robyn Woodall
Waiheke High School Board of Trustees

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