Absence, Lateness, & Leave
Absence from school for family or medical reasons must be accounted for by caregivers in advance (where appropriate): or with written explanation, medical certificate, or other communication within 24 hours of the student returning to school.
If your child is going to be absent please phone the school before 8:45am on 371-9000 and select Option 1.
Students who are late to school or to any class during the school day may be subject to disciplinary action. If your child is late to school they must come and sign in at the Main Office on arrival.
No students are permitted to leave school grounds during the school day (including interval and lunchtime) except:
- In the case of sickness, dental, or medical appointments. A note from a parent, caregiver or the school nurse must be shown at the Main office and students must sign out before leaving school grounds.
- For any other reason where prior approval has been given by parent, caregiver or a member of Staff.
- Year 13 are permitted to leave the school grounds on Thursday during long lunch. They must sign out at the Main Office before leaving and sign in when they return.
Under the Education Act, attendance at school is compulsory unless the student is unable to attend because of sickness, danger of infection, sudden or serious illness of a parent. It is therefore outside of the school’s power to approve absence for shopping, holidays in school time, looking after younger members of the family, or sports and cultural fixtures arranged by clubs or outside organisations unless for regional or national representation. Student requests for leave from the school, except dentists or doctors appointments, must be made through the Principal, in writing, at least one week in advance of the event. Students who are granted leave are expected to make up some of the missed time after school in supervised study.