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Click here to view our finalised senior NCEA options lines and subject codes Senior Option Lines 2021 V10 SUBJECT CODES 2021
These additional changes to NCEA for students in Auckland are to recognise the 13 days of classroom time lost during the recent Alert Level 3 lockdown. These changes will help ensure all students have a fair opportunity to achieve NCEA this year. Extra Learning Recognition credits Learning...
We are seeking parent feedback regarding how well we did as a school communicating with you as parents, teaching practices we used during lockdown and our student pastoral care. We will also be surveying the students and teaching staff over the next week. We value your opinion and we are always...
Updated examination timetable for Term 4 - Years 11-13. UPDATED 2020 NCEA Exam Timetable
Latest update for students doing NCEA this year. Covid update 6 School info for Parents
Guidelines for WHS Students - going remote Guideline for WHS Parents - Remote Learning
Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students Student Support Services-on line support The students will be able to contact the Nurse between 9am and 3pm from Monday to Friday (except on statutory holidays). Here are the contact details: MAGGIE LETHWAITE/School nurse 027 618 9225 ...
23rd March 2020 Tēnā koutou Re : COVID-19 Update - School Closure This afternoon Jacinda Ardern has announced that New Zealand's status has shifted to Level 3 and will shift to Level 4 in 48 hours. This means that our school will be closed to all students from 3.30pm today, except for students...
This week I was lucky enough to attend the Tuturu Summit in Wellington with Tony Sears. I was surprised it went ahead with the current world events, but happy that it did. I come home feeling quietly confident that we are on the right track at Waiheke High School. Tuturu is a tool that has been...
Being a parent of a Waiheke High School student. At Waiheke High School, parents are considered to have an important role in the education their children receive and are, therefore, a key part of the High School community. Research indicates that children whose parents are actively involved in...
In case you missed it, the Government has recently confirmed its final NCEA change package. Schools have been advised that the changes are intended to: strengthen our national qualification; address over-assessment and fragmented learning; promote culturally responsive teaching and learning; and...
Waiheke High looking forward Waiheke High School wants to be the best school it can for our island community. The 'Striving for Success' project provided an insight into how the community views the school, and our next step is to work with all stakeholders to establish just what the ‘best school’...
Click here to view our finalised senior NCEA options lines and subject codes Senior Option Lines 2021 V10 SUBJECT CODES 2021
These additional changes to NCEA for students in Auckland are to recognise the 13 days of classroom time lost during the recent Alert Level 3 lockdown. These changes will help ensure all students have a fair opportunity to achieve NCEA this year. Extra Learning Recognition credits Learning...
We are seeking parent feedback regarding how well we did as a school communicating with you as parents, teaching practices we used during lockdown and our student pastoral care. We will also be surveying the students and teaching staff over the next week. We value your opinion and we are always...
Updated examination timetable for Term 4 - Years 11-13. UPDATED 2020 NCEA Exam Timetable
Latest update for students doing NCEA this year. Covid update 6 School info for Parents
Guidelines for WHS Students - going remote Guideline for WHS Parents - Remote Learning
Dear Parents/Caregivers and Students Student Support Services-on line support The students will be able to contact the Nurse between 9am and 3pm from Monday to Friday (except on statutory holidays). Here are the contact details: MAGGIE LETHWAITE/School nurse 027 618 9225 ...
23rd March 2020 Tēnā koutou Re : COVID-19 Update - School Closure This afternoon Jacinda Ardern has announced that New Zealand's status has shifted to Level 3 and will shift to Level 4 in 48 hours. This means that our school will be closed to all students from 3.30pm today, except for students...
This week I was lucky enough to attend the Tuturu Summit in Wellington with Tony Sears. I was surprised it went ahead with the current world events, but happy that it did. I come home feeling quietly confident that we are on the right track at Waiheke High School. Tuturu is a tool that has been...
Being a parent of a Waiheke High School student. At Waiheke High School, parents are considered to have an important role in the education their children receive and are, therefore, a key part of the High School community. Research indicates that children whose parents are actively involved in...
In case you missed it, the Government has recently confirmed its final NCEA change package. Schools have been advised that the changes are intended to: strengthen our national qualification; address over-assessment and fragmented learning; promote culturally responsive teaching and learning; and...
Waiheke High looking forward Waiheke High School wants to be the best school it can for our island community. The 'Striving for Success' project provided an insight into how the community views the school, and our next step is to work with all stakeholders to establish just what the ‘best school’...