Te Reo Māori

“Close to the heart.”

Piringakau, meaning “close to the heart”, is the name of the Maori department at Waiheke High School.

Piringākau, meaning “close to the heart”, is the name of the Maori department at Waiheke High School. The name was initiated by Michelle Lee in consultation with Piritahi marae and kaumatua, Kato Kauwhata in 1997.

Today we apply Piringākau to our kapa haka group, to our junior and senior classes and our whanau support (parent group).

Year 7
All students in year 7 take Maori for 13 weeks (as rotation with other options). The topics covered include: greetings, number, colours, body parts, waiata, and karakia.

Year 9
In year 9, students choose Maori as a half-year course for two terms. The topics covered include: Waka Ama, Purerehua, kapa haka, and Celebration (first semester celebration is Mataariki, second semester, Tohu Whakanui).

Year 10
In year 10, students choose Maori as a full year course. The topics covered include: Waka Ama, Papahou, Mere Mau Ringa, Kapa Haka, (with 4 Level 1 NCEA credits) and Celebration (first semester celebration is Matariki, second semester, Tohu Whakanui).

Years 9 & 10 are combined as one class with the aim of fostering:

  • tuakana, teina (whanau relationships)
  • and leadership skills

NCEA Level 2
In years 11 through to 13, students take Maori as a full year, NCEA course.


Matariki is a school wide celebration where house groups work together to prepare food for the school hangi and houses compete for top group in the haka competition. The 2024 house competitions:

Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka credits are offered at level 1 and 2 to students in Maori classes only. It is offered as an extra curricula to students at all levels during study period twice a week.

Students meet in C1 classroom on Mondays and Thursday. Kapa haka wananga will also be held at least twice a year. More information on this will follow throughout the year.