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Getting it Right in the Classroom
Manage Self
- Be prepared for learning
- Be punctual
- Be accountable
- Wear your uniform with pride
- Be Resilient
- Manage progress
- Put in Effort
- Be reflective
- Listen to eachother
- Check Notices
- Appropriate use of Social Media
- Set Goals
- Plan your learning
- Manage your time
- Aspire
- Be creative
- Inquire
- Problem solve
- Strive
- Use your initiative
Relate to Others
- Demonstrate respect for others and the environment
- Interact politely with everyone in the kura
- Use appropriate language
- Support each others learning
- Develop leadership skills/role model
- Learn about cultures other than your own
- Positive, respectful relationships
Celebrate achievements
- Use the school network and your device responsibly
- Be collegial
- Use manners
Participate & Contribute
- Show positive support
- Encourage – Participate
- Collaborate
- Co-operate – Have Voice
- Take ownership
- Respect environment
- Recognise our past and celebrate future
Use language, symbols & texts
- Access information appropriately
- Develop information access skills
- Use subject specific vocabulary
- Respect and preserve privacy
- Listen, discuss, write, read
- Appropriate language at all times
Getting it Right 2017 #2
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