Our Strategic Plan
We endeavour to provide the highest quality education for our students and provide a seamless education journey from year 7 to 13.

In 2024 the Board of Trustees contracted The Education Group to carry out the community consultation in developing a new Strategic Plan for Waiheke High School. This plan will take us through to our 2028 Board of Trustees election.
The stakeholders consulted for the development of this strategic plan included students, staff and whānau of Waiheke High School, local iwi Ngāti Paoa, parents at feeder schools (Te Huruhi School and Waiheke Primary School) and our Piringakau whānau.
We had outstanding results from the consultation with hundreds of responses informing our Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan Streams
Curriculum | Marautanga
Waiheke High School maintains a broad curriculum which prepares students for a dynamic, modern world while grounding them with a deep understanding of their local people and environment.
Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may fly
Teaching and Learning | Ara Whakaako
Waiheke High School teachers are committed to continuously reflecting on their teaching practices to enhance the quality of education for their learners.
Ruia taitea, kia tū ko taikākā anake
Strip away the sapwood so that the only the sturdy core remains
Engagement | Kōkiri
Waiheke High School aspires to be a safe learning environment for all where students have a strong sense of pride and belonging.
Tū whitia te hopo, māia, kōkiri
Face your fears, be brave, and push forward
Wellbeing | Hauora
Waiheke High School acknowledges that all learning is most effective when people are well, and takes care to provide a grounded, supportive, and inclusive environment at all times.
Māhuri te rākau, kāore e taea te tango
If the tree is not well nurtured, it cannot flourish
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
The school gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, including by:
- Working to ensure its plans, policies and local curriculum reflect local tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori.
- Taking all reasonable steps to make instruction available in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori.
- Achieving equitable outcomes for Māori students.